Parishes, Schools Remember Saints and Souls
November 9, 2017
Priest Displays Relics
WONDER LAKE—Father Joel Lopez, parochial administrator, displayed first class relics from his personal collection at the All Saints Day celebration at Christ the King Parish, here,  Nov. 4-5.
A banner (partially visibile on the altar above) displays the names of parishioners who died in the past year.   
“It was during my stay at Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg,  Md., that I obtained much of the relics in my personal care,” Father Lopez wrote in a note. “Some were entrusted to me by elderly priests and some I acquired during my various pilgrimages.”  
A first-class relic is a part of a saint’s body. 
A second-class relic is a piece of the saint’s clothing or something used by the saint. 
A third-class relic is an object which had been touched to a first-class relic.  
“The veneration of the sacred relics is found in the early history of the Church,” he added. 
“A letter written by the faithful of the  Church in Smyrna in the year 156 provides an account of the death of St. Polycarp, their bishop, who was burned at the stake,” he continued. “The letter reads, ‘We took up the bones, which  are more valuable than precious stones and finer than refined gold, and laid them in a suitable place, where the Lord will permit us to gather ourselves together as we are able, in gladness and joy, and celebrate the birthday of his martyrdom.” 
First Communicants and catechist Tom Armbrust also  prayed at the cemetery for all souls and saints.