Plan of Exodus 90
July 25, 2019
The Exodus 90 website describes the spiritual exercise for men as “based on a challenging 90-day period of purification, a dying to self, which is supported by a fraternity of like-minded men for greater interior freedom and, eventually, a more purified and selfless love ... it is a program for men who seek, together, to strive for a more-perfect freedom. This is the cornerstone of the exercise and much will be lost if that is forgotten.”
Exodus 90 was developed by Father Brian Doerr and seminarians at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Md. It was piloted by 10 groups of seminarians from 2013-15. Year-after-year successes led to its introduction to bishops, priests and laymen across the U.S. and in Canada, Mexico, Brazil, England, France, Ireland and Slovakia.
It is coming soon in Spanish and other translations are expected in years to come.
Exodus 90 was not designed for women, and it is not designed to be done alone. It is Catholic, but 3% of participants have been Protestant and 2% have been Orthodox.
“There’s really nothing flashy about this,” says the website. “(A)ll that’s been done is to re-present the Catholic tradition to men who are often unaware of the rich heritage they have received ...  . This is the tradition of the Church, and in a particular way, the spirit of the Desert Fathers of the third and fourth centuries.”
Pillars of Exodus 90
Four key “pillars” that form the Exodus 90 experience are: 
n 90 days — the time necessary to develop new habits and for the brain to “reset” itself; 
n Prayer — a holy hour each day, guided by provided meditations and action items; 
n Asceticism — cold or lukewarm showers, no sweets, no eating between meals, no television or movies, only music that lifts the soul to God, no televised sports, computer for work or school only, regular and intense exercise, no major material purchases and seven hours of sleep each night — some of these practices can be modified with group approval; and 
n Fraternity — groups of five to seven plus a spiritual director who meet three times a week for up to 30 minutes to provide encouragement, accountability and wisdom.
There is a phone app for the program. After a free week, it costs $9.99 per month for three months.