Q & A: ‘New’ Office Has Familiar Goals
Sara Marquetti
director of Stewardship Development
By Amanda Hudson, News Editor
August 7, 2015

Sara Marquetti was appointed director of Stewardship Development in July. But the name of the department she will direct has been renamed the Office of Charitable Giving. She answered some questions about the name change and her plans for the future.

Q. How did the change of name come about?

A. The name of the Office of Stewardship Development was recently changed to the Office of Charitable Giving because the new name more accurately describes the services we provide  for our 105 parishes located in 11 counties.    

Prior to the name change, the annual appeal — formerly called the Diocesan Stewardship Appeal — was shortened to Diocesan Appeal for ease of use and for easier translation into other languages.  

This does not mean we have forsaken the concept of stewardship: the biblical message of being stewards or caretakers of what God has so generously given us. Our many talents, our career successes — all of these come from God. Through prayer, our good deeds and our financial gifts to our parish, charitable organizations and our diocese, we thank the Lord for all that we have and continue to receive.  
Q. Will the focus of the office be any different, and if so, how?

A. The name change does not change our focus of providing the guidance and resources to support our parishes and diocesan ministries to further the mission of Jesus Christ.

Our office is responsible for:

n the annual diocesan appeal, which supports diocesan ministries and services (for example, Catholic Charities and St. Elizabeth Catholic Community Center, Vocations, Lay Ministry Formation and more);

n the three combined appeals — National, International and Mission appeals — that support the Catholic Church and its work in the United States and globally;

n assisting and counseling parishes on enhancing  programs that support increased giving and participation in parish ministries.

In addition, the Office of Charitable Giving provides information and assistance to parishes and to donors regarding planned gifts to the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Rockford, established in 1987. You can remember your parish in your Will or Estate Plan; through Charitable Gift Annuities, Life Insurance and many other charitable giving vehicles to establish your Catholic legacy.   

Each of the parishes in the Diocese of Rockford has an endowment account with the Catholic Foundation.  
Q. Now that you are the director, what are your plans for the near and longer term future?

A. My plan is to continue to provide the support to  our parish and diocesan ministries and programs so that a helping hand will reach out to those in need, and together as a Catholic community we will build a legacy of mercy and hope that lasts for years to come.