Sometimes It’s Hard To Let God Be God
By Penny Wiegert
We have all heard the instruction that God answers prayers. He just doesn’t always answer them in the way we want. That’s why it is important to really embrace and internalize the part of The Lord’s Prayer that says “Thy will be done …” 
We all know that our lived experience today makes this very difficult. We all, at one time or another, have struggled with letting God be God.
We can see that most vividly in the aging process.
After a haircut recently, someone commented, “I like your haircut and I really like the highlights.”
I started to laugh.
“Those aren’t highlights. It’s age.”
I was born a redhead. I never had carrot red but more of an auburn sort of red, the same as my dad. Growing up, I wasn’t too thrilled about the color God gave me. First, there were only a couple of people in my whole school that had red hair so it stuck out and kids weren’t always kind about anyone or anything that was different. I didn’t appreciate the gift of being different and the science of being a “ginger” until much later.
And while adults always said I had beautiful hair, I figured they were just saying that because adults weren’t supposed to make fun of people like kids did. And when the hairdresser said I couldn’t even donate my hair after growing it nice and long, because, as she told my mom, “they can’t use her hair because the wig makers will never be able to match it,” I knew the adults were just being nice.
And now that the aging process has taken control of my hair follicles and blond streaks have shown up, it’s time to prepare for a head that will eventually be white like my dad’s hair. It’s time to let God be God and see what comes next.
Funny how a silly thing like your hair can pop out of that reflection in the mirror and remind us that no matter what we do or where we go, things are going to change. We are going to get wrinkles, we are going to slow down, we are going to have aches and pains. Oh sure, we can try to fix things — get a new knee or hip — make things more comfortable with prescriptions or wider chairs and higher toilets — but no matter what, God is going to be in charge.
And as hard as it may be, perhaps the unescapable change is the greatest gift. Even though that is hard to take sometimes, I think it’s true. We don’t know what we can tolerate or how we can adapt until change is thrust upon us. We can spend time fighting changes in our lives and being angered by them or we can give ourselves some time to find the blessing in whatever God changes for us.
Another example: many in the diocese will be welcoming new priests this weekend. Getting a new pastor is always a big change for us and our routines of practicing our faith. It may even make us upset and cause us to cast blame. We may even think that if the mean old bishop cared about us, he would leave our pastor alone. Keep things as they are. But if we really believe what our Catholic faith teaches, we will understand that replacing pastors, spreading the talents of our priests around is just one of the ways the bishop fulfills his ministry of serving and teaching us. And, if we let God be God and give in to a little change, no matter how great or small, perhaps we can find that that change is a gift. 
Getting a new pastor may be way more startling than getting older and getting a little gray hair, but it may turn out to be a gift you didn’t know you needed. Try making the change more comfortable with prayer, acceptance and just let God be God and see where it takes you.