Tonight, on Your Knees, Say to Jesus, Eye to Eye, ‘Let Me Tell You What I’ve Been Doing’
By Father John Slampak, STL

Some of the jobs of God, according to one anonymous child, are:

“One of God’s main jobs is making people. He makes them to put in place of the ones that die so that there will be enough people to take care of the things here on earth. He doesn’t make grownups, just babies, because they are smaller and easier to make. That way He doesn’t have to take up His valuable time teaching them all to talk and walk. He just leaves that up to the mom and dad. I think it works out pretty good.

“God’s second most important job is listening to prayers. An awful lot of this goes on, because some people pray other times besides bedtime. Grandma and grandpa pray every time they eat except snacks.

“Now, God doesn’t have to listen to the radio or TV or smart phones because God hears everything, not only prayers. There must be a lot of noise going on in His ears unless He thought of a way to turn it off.

“I think we should all be a little quieter.

“God sees everything. God hears everything. God is everywhere. Whatever I do, God sees. Whatever I say, God hears. Wherever I go, God is there. Boy, God likes me a lot!”

In the midst of life at times it may be difficult to understand that God does like you, love you. Sunday’s reading from Wisdom (2:12, 17-20) tells the story of someone who did the right thing, but in doing so, angered some who were evil. Because of his good life, he was a challenge for them to change. Is your life that good?

One time, while Jesus spoke of his death, some of the disciples were discussing their personal greatness. While Jesus spoke of his love for them, they thought only of themselves. Jesus asked them, “What were you arguing about on the way?” But they remained silent.

Do you think they were embarrassed? They were arguing about who was number one. Maybe it seemed reasonable to them until Jesus asked. Sinful, petty pride.

How many times do you say something, or do something and never give a thought whether or not it is appropriate? How many of those things would you continue to say or do if you found yourself face to face with Jesus who asks you, “What are you doing? What are you saying?” Many things get put in their proper place when you look Jesus in the eye. But looking at Jesus in the eye is something we usually like to avoid. A lot of people don’t like making a good confession, eyelash to eyelash with God.

If you do make a good confession and look Jesus in the eye, you might discover that a lot of things you are doing are inappropriate. You find out that you might be self-centered rather than other-centered, as Jesus wants. If you do well, if you live the right way, you will be a reminder, a model.

Jesus said, “Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me, but the One who sent me.” Notice that Jesus is not asking you to become like a child, completely dependent, but to receive someone who is weak and vulnerable, those who need our help.

If you live this way, the way Jesus hopes you will live, then you will be happy, a person who would not have to blink before Jesus.

Tonight, on your knees, say to Jesus, eye to eye, “Let me tell you what I’ve been doing.”