One Fight Can Be Won Without Another Life Lost
By Father Kenneth Wasilewski
“Dec, 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy.” 
These words spoken by President Franklin Roosevelt addressing Congress on Dec. 8, 1941, asking for a Declaration of War against Japan following the attack on Pearl Harbor, are some of the most recognizable words spoken by a U.S. president in the 20th century. 
Following the underlying assertion that Roosevelt was making — namely, that a date would become so associated with the horrible events which occurred on it, that those events and that date would forever be linked — we can probably find other dates in our history that would likewise “live in infamy.” 
A date like Sept, 11, 2001, would certainly meet that criteria. And among other candidates to add to such a list, Jan. 22, 1973, deserves to be near the top. It is of course the date on which the court cases Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton legalized abortion on demand in the United States. 
Labeling this date an infamous one or drawing a parallel with Roosevelt’s quote is not new or particularly novel. Nevertheless, at this time of year it is important to recall the seriousness of what this date signifies for our country. 
While it traditionally coincides with the annual March for Life in Washington D.C. for many pro-lifers, it is sadly seen by some as just another day devoid of much meaning. Sadder still, is that fact that some would see this date as one to celebrate — as a date that marks a “victory.” 
However, none of the more than 60 million aborted children in our country would agree ... or are here to witness any such celebration. 
The fact that so many lives have been lost because of what happened on that date should resolve for anyone claiming to value human life or social justice any debate about whether it’s infamous or not. 
It should resolve debate, but it doesn’t — at least not for many. This is attested to by those who so zealously seek to not only keep the decisions of that day enshrined in law, but to ever seek the expansion of their scope — attacking anyone who would suggest even modest limits with vitriol, often using tired clichés, fantastical claims of doom, and good ol’ fashioned ad hominum arguments in the process — all the while claiming abortion is a “human right.” 
For us as Catholics, and for believers of various creeds who recognize the indescribable value God has bestowed on those who share His image, the consequences of that day in 1973 are horrific. And this fateful anniversary can steel our resolve to continue to advocate for those unable to advocate for themselves. 
Seeking to end abortion in our country (or at least begin to limit it) is not a political battle, even though it may involve political allies. Rather, it’s a human battle. Every effort made is a reaffirmation of our own value as persons — a reaffirmation of the value of every person — even, ironically, those who ultimately devalue human life by defending or promoting abortion.
It’s sad to note that by the end of the war that Roosevelt so passionately appealed to Congress to declare, over 50 million people would have lost their lives … a tragic number too large to fathom. It was the price paid trying to rid the world of an evil it faced at that time. 
Fighting the war against the evil of abortion — a war which already has a far higher death toll just in our country alone — won’t be won by sacrificing lives. To the contrary, this war is won only if, and when, innocent lives cease to be sacrificed. 
This war will only be won when more people endowed with the gift of human life come to realize, in the depths of their hearts, that the life of another human — no matter it’s size, state or condition, is too valuable to be sacrificed.