Thank You For Your Gifts; For Being Joyful Disciples
By Bishop Emeritus Thomas G. Doran
Each year in the life of the Diocese of Rockford, there are several indicators that give an insight into the condition of our faith. 
One is our annual Be Reconciled Day when confessions are heard throughout the Diocese of Rockford. Reports suggest that the number of people coming to receive the sacrament that day was very large. Some people even came from outside the diocese for that day.
Another indicator is the attendance at the Holy Week celebrations of our faith, from Palm Sunday to Easter. Many pastors commented that participation at those ceremonies was also notably increased over recent years.
These hopeful signs are not the results or success of any programs. Rather, they are signs of vitality and of hope in the Church.
This coming weekend will offer another such moment. It is the kickoff of the annual Diocesan Stewardship Appeal. This appeal is not simply a financial collection. It is, rather, an element of faith by which we are able to share our blessings and support the wide ranging and important work carried out by our diocese.
Our appeal theme for this year is: Be Joyful Disciples. We are indeed meant to be joyful in every aspect of our faith. As Jesus told us, we are to be one with Him, “so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete.” (Jn 15: 11). For that reason, the joyful act of stewardship to help the Church and serve the needy is part of our calling.
The past several years, especially in the wake of the COVID pandemic, the generous response of the faithful to the Diocesan Appeal has been noteworthy. As Bishop, I am personally and deeply grateful for the support so many have given this appeal. What is donated funds the diocesan administration and my own work as Bishop. I am conscious of that support each day.
But more widely, the Diocesan Appeal helps to carry out the daily and on-going tasks related to evangelization. That means providing the means for programs involving religious education and the formation of catechists and lay ministry. It also provides diocesan resources for the excellence of our Catholic schools. Programs of adult education, formation and support of youth, and spreading and strengthening the Catholic faith through Hispanic Ministry benefit from your generosity.
In our world and our society that have so many needs, the Diocesan Appeal allows each donor to reach out to the poor and vulnerable. For example, our diocesan Catholic Charities offers food to the hungry, most visibly at St. Elizabeth Catholic Community Center in Rockford. In a time of so much emotional stress and concern related to mental health, Catholic Charities makes available counselling for those in need throughout the diocese. And we have an ombudsman program to advocate for those in care facilities. In these ways, in keeping with our Catholic faith, human dignity is supported.
Your gifts to the Diocesan Appeal also support the Life Office of the Diocese of Rockford. In this sad moment of political pressure to expand abortion, the Life Office offers encouragement and formation for potential mothers who might be considering abortion or who would benefit from assistance in managing pregnancy, and healing for those who continue to suffer the trauma of a past abortion.
And as always, the appeal also supports the clergy in service to our faith. The Diocesan Appeal contributes to the work of the Vicar for Clergy Office, to the Permanent Diaconate Program, to the Vocations Office and seminary formation. It also provides funding for health care and pensions for our priests.
Pope Francis has reminded us, “We have received from the Lord the gift of His love and we are called to become a gift for others. … Showered with gifts, we are called in turn to make ourselves a gift.” In making this gift, we truly become joyful disciples.
I hope that once again this year the vitality and faith of our diocese might be reflected in our contributions to spread the Catholic faith and serve the poor and needy. Thank you for your generosity to the 2024 Diocesan Appeal.