Parish Event/News Announcement Form

Town    Parish

Contact person    Phone - -


* Submissions without a parish contact name, phone number, and email address will not be accepted.

Please select a category for your event or news:
General     Lent     Advent     Confession Times     LiFE Ministries

Tell us about your event or news:


Start time:           End time:     

Event location (include street address and city):

Cost (if any):

Tell us who to contact about the event -

Call (first and last name)      at - -

Send email to:

Visit website at:

You may attach ONE ITEM to this form. If you have more than one photo or document to submit, please send more than one form. In the box to “Tell us about your news or event,” let us know how many items you’ll be sending.

Attach photo OR document:

-- Acceptable file formats: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .bmp, .tif, .tiff, .doc, .docx, .pdf, .pub, .pubx

-- Photos should be the original format from the camera. For best reproduction please send uncropped, full size photos.

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Thank you for sharing your parish news.