All Three Diocesan Publications Take Honors in CPA Contests
June 21, 2018
GREEN BAY, Wis.—The Observer won a record number nine awards in the annual  newspaper competition of the Catholic Press Association for the United States and Canada. 
Among them was second place for general excellence for newspapers of 25,000 circulation or less, the second year in a row for that honor. 
Winning for the first time in the Spanish language category,   El Observador took an honorable mention for best multiple-picture package for its “Procesion de Viernes Santo” (“Holy Friday Procession”) by Margarita Mendoza. She is the editor of El Observador. 
The diocesan directory also took a first place in the books contest. The annual reference is put together by the staff of The Observer.
Other honors to The Observer were:
First Place
-- Best reporting on a special age group: “Wellness Resource Program Lifeline for Boylan Students” by Lynne Conner
Second Place
-- Best news writing on a national or international event: “Pope Francis visits Colombia” by Margarita Mendoza
-- Best coverage of prolife issues: “Pregnant Women Find Support at Gianna’s House” by Louise Brass, “Pro-Life Prayer Vigil to be Sept. 27-Nov. 5, 40 Days of Recruiting Good People” by Amanda Hudson and “Governor Rauner Reneges on Promise to Veto Abortion Funding” by Penny Wiegert
Third Place
-- Best regular column, general commentary: “From the Editor” by Penny Wiegert
-- Best headline: “Here’s the 411 on 815 Catholic” by Penny Wiegert
Honorable Mention
-- Best feature writing: “Ball Family’s Gotcha: November Baptisms Mark Adoption Month” by Amanda Hudson
-- Best regular column, spiritual life: “Ethically Speaking” by Father Kenneth Wasilewski, diocesan ethicist
-- Best reporting on the celebration of a sacrament: “Annual Be Reconciled Offered for 4th Year” by staff
-- Best news writing on a local or regional event: “Governor Rauner Reneges on Promise to Veto Abortion Funding” by Penny Wiegert
Each year almost 3,000 entries are submitted in the competition for excellence in books, newspapers, magazines and digital media in English and Spanish. 
This was the first time El Observador has entered the competition, Wiegert said, adding, “It was particularly gratifying to know our Spanish language publication is being recognized for a level of excellence we are proud to offer our readers.”
Wiegert is communication director and editor of The Observer.
“I am so privileged to work and collaborate with a full-time staff that is skilled, professional and constantly innovating in the design and content of all our print products here in the Diocese of Rockford,” she said.