Religious Liberty: Live It, Protect It
By Msgr. Eric Barr

All over the diocese, little car magnets by the thousands are seen by tens of thousands—Religious Liberty: Live It! Protect It!

Why in the world would the Church send out 22,000 of these in English and Spanish? “Because the times, they are a’changin.’ ” If we do not stand up for religious liberty, no one will.

The Fortnight for Freedom is here. This is the time for Catholics and people of all faiths to stand up and tell this administration that their attempts to control our belief system shall not stand. Mike Huckabee, former presidential candidate and now TV commentator said last winter before a gathering of Protestants, “We are all Catholics now!” What he meant is that people of all faiths stand in solidarity with us in this dangerous time.

We’ve done a good job alerting our people to the danger, but we have not done so well in convincing them of the imminent seriousness of the matter. Many Catholics think the bishops are being partisan; some think that the Church is way overemphasizing the problem; others think the bishops are out of touch. What do you think?

Are we that stupid as to “cry wolf” or be some kind of ecclesiastical “chicken little” saying the sky is falling? Are angry bishops just out to get the Obama administration because they differ politically with the president? Is this really just an attempt to shove contraception, abortion and sterilization politics down the throats of Catholics?

If you listen and believe the media, the answer is yes. But if you listen to the truth in your hearts, you know the answer is no.

The Holy Spirit has come to our bishops and filled them with the fire of his love, giving them the courage and will to fight a real and growing persecution of our faith. If we do not back them now, the future will repeat the past: Catholics will suffer, perhaps even die, for their faith.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Fight now and win this debate. Struggle now and preserve religious liberty for our sons and daughters and their families.

It is very easy to fight this fight. Take part in the activities provided by parish and diocese these next few weeks. Fast and abstain on the next two Fridays as a prayer for religious liberty. Go to a Red Mass today (see list on page 1). Pray a novena or holy hour. Talk to friends, family and co-workers about this issue. Watch the new movie “For Greater Glory” or the old classic “A Man For All Seasons” and be inspired by those who gave their lives so that we can worship freely. So much can be done by you.
The Founding Fathers of this great land knew that religious liberty was not simply a faith issue. It was a human rights issue. That’s why it is enshrined in the First Amendment of our Constitution. That’s why this is not simply a Catholic issue.

We are the largest faith in this country. Leadership in this matter falls to us. But all Americans should be concerned.

Patrick Henry was not a Catholic. But he knew as he cried, “Give me liberty or give me death,” that liberty — including religious liberty — is worth dying for.

Before we have to give our lives, please just raise your voices in prayer to the God who protects us, raise your voices in protest to the government which begins to persecute us, raise your voices in confidence and courage to the skies — Religious Liberty: we live it, we protect it, we fight for it!